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Terumo Cardiovascular presents a new series

EVH Experts From Around The Globe 

Episode 5: Dissection with the VirtuoSpah Plus EVH System


Tomas Villagra.msg

Tomas Villagra, NP, PA

Tomas Villagra is a nurse by profession (NP), with additional training as a surgical medical assistant (PA) in cardiac, vascular and thoracic surgery. Tomas lives and works in Santiago de Chile and is currently employed at Clinica Las Condes. He has been involved in cardiovascular medicine since his days as an undergraduate and has been practicing cardiac surgery for nearly 20 years. Tomas performed the very first EVH procedure ever in Chile and has gone on to complete roughly 800 additional cases since then. His advice to beginning vessel harvesters is to know the basic steps perfectly and to be very structured during the initial learning period. By mastering the fundamentals, Tomas says progress is made faster and the EVH training curve is completed more quickly.   



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