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Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting


Getting started with Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting using the VirtuoSaph™ Plus EVH System

014_APP_VSP Harvester_Vertical_cut versionStart CourseIn this course you will learn about:

- What is Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting (EVH)?
- Anatomy of the leg
- Features of the VirtuoSaph Plus EVH System 


"Understanding the VirtuoSaph Plus devices that's through training, makes you deal with all the challenges safely. It's a great device, very innovative and consistently produces great results. Use it to get the better harvest for your patient and for yourself.”

khaled 3

Khaled ElSayed, PA-C, Midwest Cardiac Assist, Sylvania, OH, USA

Check out our EVH Experts From Around The Globe Episodes Library 

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Did we spark your interest? 

Get in touch with our team and request a virtual or on-site training session, if you would like to learn more about EVH or the VirtuoSaph Plus EVH System. Start your learning journey today!